

Deborah Hazler, coreógrafa y bailarina con residencia en Viena, Austria, tiene un MFA en Danza de la Universidad de Virginia y un BA en Danza Teatro del Laban Dance Centre de Londres, Reino Unido.

Por los últimos 4 años, el trabajo de Deborah ha sido co-producido por WUK Performing Arts y brut Vienna y con el apoyo de la Municipalidad de Viena y el Ministerio de Cultura austriaco.

Es la co-fundadora de la organización sin fines de lucro Raw Matters, una plataforma mensual para que artistas compartan sus trabajos en proceso y experimentos frente a audiencias que brindan su apoyo y a miembros del grupo vienés Arbeisplatz (financiado recientemente para crear espacios de trabajo asequibles para artistas residentes en Viena).

Recibió la beca Impulstanz dance Web en 2011 y la beca Auslandsstipendium del Ministerio de Cultura austriaco en 2013 y 2016.Deborah Hazler is a choreographer and dancer based in Vienna, Austria. She holds a MFA degree in dance from Hollins University in Virginia and a BA (Hons) in Dance Theater from Laban Dance Centre in London, UK.

For the last 4 years Deborah’s work has been co-produced by WUK performing arts and brut Vienna as well as being supported by the City of Vienna and the Austrian Ministry of Culture.

She is the co-founder of the non-profit organization Raw Matters, a monthly platform for artists to share their works in process and experiments in front of a supportive audience as well as a member of the Viennese group Arbeitsplatz that was recently founded to create affordable working space for artists based in Vienna.

She is the recipent of the Impulstanz dance Web scholarship (2011) as well as of the Auslandsstipendium from the Austrian Ministry of Culture (2013 and 2016).