

  • 12 de July de 2021

Carolina Cifras is a female investigator, performer/maker and pedagogue in Live Arts.

She studied a Bachelor of Arts and Pedagogy in Dance in the University of ARCIS-Chile. Then she followed her formation in the CND (National Dance Center Paris-France) as a specialized dance teacher.

She has participated in diverse national and international seminars, linked to corporal practices in the areas of movement and creation.

Participates and collaborates as a performer since 1990 with diverse national and international makers from the areas of contemporary dance and theatre, in which stands out Nury Gutes, Paulina Mellado, Javiera Peon-Veiga, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Rodrigo Perez, Almudena Garrido, Francisca Morand and Claude Brumachon.

From 1994-2005 she takes part in the choreographic national center of Nantes as an artistic choreographer, in charge of Claude Brumachon, where she follows diverse practices as a performer in creations and repertoire, and takes part of the team in charge of seminars for the sensitization and dissemination of dance.

As tenured teacher she develops seminars in the area of dance and creation in diverse national universities such as Universidad de Chile, Universidad Mayor, Universidad de Valparaíso, Universidad ARCIS, Modern School and she is a founder of the dance school in Universidad de Las Américas (2004).

In the field of investigation and creation it highlights the trilogy composed by “2010” in 2008 nominated for an Altazor Award and financed by FONDART; “PAMPA” in 2012 on the Cycle Sala Arrau; “OROPEL” worked in residency and premiered in 2016 in NAVE and financed by FONDART; and “PESO MUERTO” (Dead Weight) residency in NAVE, KET/Grecia and Le Quartz-France, premiered within the framework of the DANZFABRIK Festival in 2019 in Brest-France. This piece is part of the program CONSTELACIONES.

In the scenic investigation the focus has been on how the being/body is pierced, impacted and affected by our economic/social chilean system. Today she deepens on the concepts of necropolitics and its immaterial and material dimension